

Welcome to all those who are passionate about reading, writing, and world-building. Whether you are a lover of books or a wizard of words, I’m so glad you stopped by!




The Guardian Realm | MG

 An upper middle grade fantasy set in a world where Guardians–sovereign creatures who protect the land–have allied with humans to fight against an army of fallen creatures.  The special bond between Guardians and the humans they mark allows access to elemental powers, something thirteen-year-old Elli never expects. But when she’s chosen by a Guardian that rules above the rest, her bond allows her to manipulate all the elements, a vital skill in the fight against the creatures ravaging the land. But Elli isn’t sure she’s up for the task. She’s already lost too much–her best friend, her father, and her home. In order to protect what little she has left, she must embrace her fate and venture into the realm where the fallen creatures dwell. 

The Program | YA

The Program is a YA Dystopian Fantasy set in a corrupted boarding school where the Directors are searching for something hidden within the souls of their students. The only way out is through, but not everyone who makes it out does so in one piece. More often than not, students who graduate are never heard from again, but due to closed borders and travel bans, the people of Arcaisa are none the wiser, allowing the Directors to continue their search. When they set their sights on Ariella, she must discover their ulterior motives before she falls victim to their sadistic methods. But her only hope to discover the truth lies in Damon–a fellow student she’s deemed untrustworthy from the start. 

Whisper of the Deep

Ancient curses and island legends were not the vacation Sitalee bargained for. But when she accidentally summons a man from the sea, she’s forced to make a life-altering decision: become a creature of the deep or be claimed by the ocean.